Chair's Corner

Robert Wachter Named Chair of the Department of Medicine

Dear Colleagues: I’m honored and humbled to accept Dean King’s offer to become the ninth chair of the UCSF Department of Medicine. Despite spending my entire career at UCSF, the past year as interim chair has given me the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and appreciation of this magnificent department. It’s a great privilege to have the chance to lead it.

Our New Residents: Repleting Potassium Today, Changing the World Tomorrow

I arrived at UCSF to start my internship 33 years ago last month. (A word of warning to those who think you can actually plan your life: I had every intention of returning to the East Coast after three years, plans that were quickly – and happily – derailed.) Recognizing, of course, that our memories tend to airbrush out the exhausting and painful parts of residency training, I can tell you that I still get a special thrill watching the arrival of a new crop of interns.

The State of the UCSF Department of Medicine

The Department of Medicine has been my professional home for more than 30 years. Yet it is only in the last eight months, as interim chair, that I have gotten a window into the department’s true scope and magnificence. These months have also given me a deeper appreciation of the challenges the department faces.

Physician Burnout and the "Quadruple Aim"

Physicians should be a happy lot. We do fulfilling work. We are trusted and admired by society. Our unemployment rate is negligible. We are reasonably well compensated. We have TV shows written about us.

The Digital Revolution and the Department of Medicine

The practice of medicine is undergoing several revolutionary changes. Perhaps the two largest are the growing pressure to provide high value care and the digital transformation of healthcare.