Lekshmi Santhosh selected to become Director of Medical Grand Rounds (at UCSF Health sites)

Dear Colleagues,

Lekshmi SanthoshIn early August, I put out a solicitation for a faculty member to become Director of Medical Grand Rounds, as well as to oversee our Master Clinician program. I’m pleased to announce that we have selected Dr. Lekshmi Santhosh for this new role. Lekshmi, who holds an MD from Harvard and a Master’s in Education from UC Berkeley, is a faculty member in our pulmonary division based at UCSF Health. She was a resident and chief resident at UCSF; in the latter role she gained a year’s worth of experience planning grand rounds.

Clinically, Lekshmi attends in the ICU and in our post-Covid clinic, which she founded. Her leadership roles include serving as Assistant Site Director for our Internal Medicine Residency, Associate Program Director of our Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship, and Medical Director for the OPTIMAL (post-Covid/post-ICU) clinic. She is a recipient of several teaching awards, including the Rector Housestaff Teaching Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award from our medical students, and the ATS Alison Clay Early Career Educator Award. Last month, she was inducted into the Debas Academy of Medical Educators. 

Lekshmi is an accomplished and dynamic educator and innovator. I know she’ll do a superb job elevating grand rounds, working with me and a diverse advisory group to choose superb speakers and fascinating topics, as well as to develop innovative formats, both for presenting the content and for disseminating it. Our goal is to build on our experience over the past 18 months to make UCSF Medical Grand Rounds a must-see hour of cutting-edge clinical and scientific content, for a broad audience, both within and outside of UCSF.

Please welcome Lekshmi to this new and important role. See you at Grand Rounds – Thursdays at noon!





Robert M. Wachter, MD
Professor and Chair, UCSF Department of Medicine
Holly Smith Distinguished Professor in Science and Medicine
Marc and Lynne Benioff Endowed Chair